Going beyond buzzwords
and catalyzing meaningful change
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Bridging Localization Gap
With strategic partnerships, we strive to support local civil society organizations
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Is Power

The humanitarian system faces a critical challenge

the discrepancy between the promises of localization and the reality experienced by grassroots actors.

LNNGOs encounter systemic challenges in accessing funding, establishing equitable partnerships with international organizations, and navigating the complex project management cycle.

LocalizedAction aims to address this pressing problem by actively engaging with grassroots actors, donors and organizations to dismantle power imbalances, and bridge the gap between promises and implementation.

By addressing the systemic challenges faced by grassroots actors, LocalizedAction endeavors to pave the way for a more equitable, inclusive, and effective humanitarian system that harnesses the full potential of local responses.


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We’d love to get in touch to hear your thoughts, exchange on localization and see how we can collaborate! Message us through our contact form or via info@localizedaction.org.